MakersLoft offers the following in-school or after school activities through out India. For locations outside Kolkata, we are currently training teachers of the school to conduct hands-on activities that can develop 21st century skills in children. Some examples of such Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM) activities are:
• Robotics:Robotics at the school level is the most fun way to learn Science & Math. We have structured gradewise curriculum for Robotics for Primary and Middle & High school students.• 3D Designing & 3D Printing: Schools all over the world have started teaching 21st century skills of 3D Designing and 3D Printing that will prepare students for jobs of tomorrow. We offer 18 sessions in an academic year covering one 3D designing software and one 3D Printing project. For Class 6-10
• Creative Computing / Scratch: In an increasingly tech world, coding skills are going to be as important as ‘ABC’. We teach Creative Computing using Scratch (a block based programming tool developed by MIT) and MakeyMakey (an invention kit for everyone). The 18 sessions course covers creating stories, interactive games and animation. For Classes 4-7
Interested in setting up a Robotics / AI / 3D Printing / Innovation Lab at your school?
Call us at 6290126203 (between Monday – Friday, 10am-6pm) or email at
3D Printing for students of Mahadevi Birla World Academy (MBWA) Kolkata
Cardboard challenge with students of Akshar, Kolkata
3D Doodling summer camp for students of various schools
MIT App Making course for students from class 6 upwards
Recycling workshop for students at the US Consulate, American Centre, Kolkata
Electronics Workshop for students of Don Bosco Park Circus, Kolkata
Parents Teachers Meeting at South City International, Kolkata
Student and Teacher STEM Training at Filix School of Education, West Bengal