Robotics & STEM Education

Achievements of MakersLoft Students in International Robotics Olympiads


World Robot Olympiad (WRO)

MakersLoft Stars ranked 1st in the WeDo OPEN category and MakersLoft Freeztastic ranked 2nd in the Junior High OPEN category in Nationals

NTS Agrobots- a team trained by MakersLoft, ranked 1st in the Junior High category at the Kolkata Regionals         


Makersloft Dynamic Developers won the Champions Trophy as well as award for Best Project at the FLL Kolkata regionals, held on January 13, 2018.


World Robot Olympiad (WRO)

MakersLoft Natural Dyeing ranked 2nd in the Elementary OPEN category.

MakersLoft Kolkata Wetlands ranked 3rd in the Junior High OPEN category

MakersLoft Innovators ranked 1st in the Elementary category at the Kolkata Regionals

Tinker Fest

MakersLoft students were one of the winners of Tinker Fest in Robotics, Digital Making and Wood Working categories


World Robot Olympiad (WRO)

MakersLoft student teams have stood 1st and 2nd in the Elementary category in WRO 2016  regionals in Kolkata.

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