Robotics & STEM Education

Creative Building 

For ages 4-7 years

You might have purchased a bunch of building blocks sets for your child, and they probably already spend hours building with it. While the instructions that come with these sets are good to build specific model, they don't teach how to build with one's own ideas.

In this course, we teach children a broad range of building skills and techniques, using which they can build from their own imagination. We teach them about different parts, about colours, design, geometry, symmetry, patterns, story telling, presentation and in giving shape to their ideas. They will pick up vocabulary and knowledge related to animals, plants, birds, different people in communities, various modes of transport, buildings, cities, bridges and more.

We use building blocks because kids love to build and blocks are a world-class tool for learning.

COURSE FEE: Beginners  / Intermediate / Advanced Level: Rs 7500/ level of 16 sessions each. Each session is of 1 hour each.

Children from these countries have enrolled in our programs

​ Creative Building Starter Kit

This kit is suitable for anyone from 5 years to 99 years. It contains - bricks, plates, wheels, windows, plants, doors, eyes, building plates and many special educational parts. It can be used to make animals, buildings, birds, vehicles, objects, letters, structures, simple machines etc.

How is MakersLoft kit different and better than other products available in the market? 

1. Our kits are designed by MakersLoft teachers who have taught hundreds of students. They know best what parts are good for learning vs what is good for playing only. 
2. We have carefully selected specific parts from years of experience working with a variety of building blocks kits, and added it in this kit. You will not find these special parts in any other sets! 
3. You might get sets in the market with more number of parts but they are filled with many small parts that are not as useful. Those readymade sets hardly have enough basic 2x4 and 2x2 bricks. Our set has 40 such bricks.
4. We have included in this set the most useful and broad variety of parts at the best possible price, so that your child can start their creative building journey with the best set. This set is used in the Creative Building course
Whatsapp to buy

Course Duration

Each course starts with a module of 16 sessions. There are 3 such modules. So total session of 48 sessions for each of the Courses.

Assessment & Certificate

After 16 sessions we conduct an assessment and share feedback with parents in the form of rubrics and issue a certificate.

Batch & Timings

Classes are done in small batches of upto 5 students so that your child gets individual attention. We provide flexible timings, with 2 sessions per week from Monday-Saturday.

Registration & Fees

Fees to be paid 100% in advance by Bank Transfer, Paytm, PayPal or Google Pay. To enrol your child send us Child's Name, Age, School, City, Parent Name, Phone/E-mail id on WhatsApp or by e-mail.


Click here to book a Demo

MakerLoft's demos are meant to give parents an idea about the course content, our pedagogy and to see if the child would be interested in the course. During the demo our trainers also try to assess the child's aptitude for the course and make recommendations on the best options for them. Please ensure you have been provided information about course fee and kit price (if relevant) prior to taking the demo.


1. Demo fee is Rs 300 and can be redeemed against the course fee if you join the course.
2. All demos are conducted online on Zoom. Please check your internet connection, web camera and microphone are working properly prior to the demo. If there is an issue, you can call or WhatsApp us prior to the demo to reschedule.
3. At least one parent needs to be present at the time of demo.
4. Demo duration is typically around 30 minutes.
5. Demos may be conducted 1:1 or in small groups of 2-3 participants.
6. Demo scheduling depends on your availability and that of our trainers. MakersLoft is closed on Sundays, so demos cannot be scheduled for Sunday.
7. Demo fee is non-refundable

Parvana Jalan, Mother of Mehran, 4 years

Mehran has been really enjoying his logo & robotic classes scratch junior & WeDo with Makersloft. Polly Ma’am is excellent with children and helping them grasp basic concepts. I have observed tremendous confidence in Mehran when he is building and making games. He is enthusiastic & looks forward to every class. Thank you  for making his joy of building continue 🙏

Anu Arora, Mother of Parth Arora, 5 years

I always wanted to enroll my son in building blocks classes, however with no such classes in Patna it seemed to be impossible. Then I came across MakersLoft and booked a demo session. The demo was delivered so well, I had to enroll him and thereafter the experience has been enriching. Parth has thoroughly enjoyed each session and looks forward to the next one.  His favourite Poly ma’am is absolutely brilliant and each session is superbly planned and delivered. The patience with which she deals with her students is commendable.  To my surprise Parth not only just builds replica of models that are taught but he uses the techniques to build so many other things. There is no limit to what he can create. These sessions have helped him explore the various possibilities.  This has been by far the best online class I had the pleasure of booking. Thank you Makersloft for offering such quality programs

Please note: LEGO®, the LEGO® logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorise, or endorse this website.