The Robotics course involves practical application of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subjects. Children will develop 21st century skills like problem solving, logical thinking, analytical ability, communication and team work.
COURSE FEE: Beginners / Intermediate / Advanced Level: Rs 9500/ level of 16 sessions each. Each session is of 1 hour each.
- Light, colours and reflection
- Energy, Force, Work, Power, Friction
- Measurement of Distance, Motion and Time
- Simple Machines: levers, pulleys, wheel & axle, inclined plane
- Gears, cams, pawl and ratchet
- Sensors - touch, colour, ultrasonic, gyro
- Motors, wheel and axle
- Structures and stability
- Estimating and Hypothesis testing
- Application of Algebra
- Exponents & Power
- Averages, Distance, Time and Speed
- Fractions, Integers, Percent
- Introduction to graphs
- Practical Geometry & Mensuration
- Probability
- Ratio and Proportion
- Simplification
- Time and Work
MakerLoft's demos are meant to give parents an idea about the course content, our pedagogy and to see if the child would be interested in the course. During the demo our trainers also try to assess the child's aptitude for the course and make recommendations on the best options for them. Please ensure you have been provided information about course fee and kit price (if relevant) prior to taking the demo.
7. Demo fee is non-refundable